Young Cartoonist Awards 2024
The Young Cartoonist Awards 2024 are now open to anyone under the age of 30 who is resident in the UK. We are accepting submissions of pocket (gag) cartoons, political cartoons and short strip cartoons. We are looking for a wide range of cartoonists from different regions within the UK, and with different backgrounds.
If you have any access needs in making this application, please get in touch with us at hello@cartoonmuseum.org
What we are looking for
Entrants are invited to submit one cartoon per person, on any topic, in colour or black and white, with or without captions or speech.
Entries may be drawn freehand to a maximum size of A4 or digitally as a pdf or jpg (under 5mb).
Strip cartoons should be no more than four panels.
Comics, graphic novels, and pages thereof will not be accepted.
How to enter
Entrants must provide their age and contact details. Personal details will only be retained and used by the Young Cartoonist Award organisers for the purposes of this competition and will not be passed on to third parties.
The closing date for entries is 26 February 2025.
Please send entries to:
The Cartoon Museum, 63 Wells St, London W1A 3AE
What we are offering
Each cartoon will be judged in one of two categories, depending on the entrant’s age. The winners in their respective categories will receive:
Under 18s - £250
18-30s - £250
Woodcock Prize (most surreal cartoon from either category) - £100
The winners and runners up will receive their awards at a ceremony at The Cartoon Museum on 20 March 2025, where their work will be displayed.
All copyright remains with the artist; however, the winning entrants agree to the use of their work, names and photographs in relation to publicity material. If you are responsible for an entrant under 18 and have a safeguarding question regarding this usage, please contact: hello@cartoonmuseum.org
The Cartoon Museum will not be responsible for any files lost in the post and no entry can be returned. Entrants are advised to keep a copy of their own work.