LDComics is a women-led comics forum, open to all. Please join LDComics on Halloween at The Cartoon Museum for our next IRL meet-up featuring guest speakers:
Katriona Chapman (she/her) London, UK @katrionachapman is an illustrator and comic creator living in London, and the Head of marketing and Production for Avery Hill Publishing, a London-based comics publisher. Chapman’s Katzine won a Broken Frontier Award for ‘best ongoing series.’ Avery Hill has published two of Katriona’s graphic novels: Follow Me In and Breakwater. Come see what Katriona’s working on next.
Shane Melisse (he/him) London, UK @shanefaced — a former Broken Frontier Six to Watch — is a comics creator and illustrator. Shane has been self-publishing comics for nearly 10 years now, and has exhibited at various comic cons and art fairs around the UK and parts of Europe. Shane is the author of the popular comics series, RO4D KNI5HT.
Thursday 31 October 6:30 – 8pm The Cartoon Museum 63 Wells St, London W1A 3AE